Private Lessons Teachers

There is no substitute for a private teacher! A private teacher is an expert on his or her instrument and is able to focus all of his or her efforts on just your student for the course of the lesson. At best, a classroom teacher is able to give your child 1/30th of their attention each day. Students who take private lessons and practice make tremendous growth not possible by sitting in a group instructed class. Consider the story of one of my students Emily (not her real name). Prior to taking violin lessons Emily was a struggling middle school orchestra violin. Although I would never have said this, I was despairing over her ever learning to read music. I had tried a number of things with her and she just wasn’t getting it. Then she enrolled in private lessons. She took lessons for several years and graduated as one of the top players in the orchestra. She even auditioned for a high school specializing in the fine arts and was accepted! Please consider giving your student private lessons; it is an investment you won’t regret!

You can participate in private lessons in two ways:

  1. Enroll in the private lessons program through Cypress Fairbanks ISD. These lessons take place at Bleyl Middle school. See the attached form for the instructions in English and Spanish.
  2. Take private lessons at the home of a local instructor

Recommended Local Instructors

Violin/ViolaCello Bass
Elizabeth Ledford
phone # (832) 754-4277
Tanner Ledford
phone # (832) 754-4277
Julia Keller
Luis Perez, Former Director of Bleyl MS
Cora Neely, Head Director of Strack MS Orchestra
Nick Puccia
phone # 832.216.4331
Peter Jagdeo, Director of Tomball Memorial HS
Artan Zhuri
Orchestra Director, Stratford HS
Sarah Hook
phone # 402.541.2244
Fang Fang
Luke Sliva
Orchestra Director, Jersey Village HS
Dr. Kristin Isaacson, Head Director of Cy-Woods HS Orchestra