Hello Parents and Students,
We will be using charms for a number of things this year and it is important that you are able to access and use it. We will use it for the following: recording playing tests, a full student and public calendar, and for accessing important documents. Here is what you need to know about each of these things.
- Recording playing tests. This is best do
ne on your smartphone or tablet. If you cannot access the charms app, you may go to www.charmsoffice.com and access Charms on a computer.
- Download the Charms Blue App from your app store. See picture:
- It will ask you for two things to login
- School Code: CyCreekOrchestra
- password/id: This is your child’s student number with no “s” at the beginning. For example if your students number was “S123456”, you would just type in “123456.”
- Next you will be brought to a Change Password screen. Do not change the password!!!! Leave it as your student password.
- Click the menu bars in the upper right hand corner and click on the recording studio.
- Select “Recording Studio” in the menu
- Hit the red recording button to begin and the square button to stop.
- Hit the play button to listen to your recording. Hit the check mark in the right hand corner to give the file a name (e.g. track 49). If you don’t like the recording you can hit the “x” in the right hand corner and delete it. If you like it, hit the check mark after you have named the file.
- Note: you can still listen to and delete your file if you have completed these steps, just tap the icon of a person with headphones on in the right most corner of the recording studio. Here you can listen to past recordings and delete them if you don’t like them.
- You may also watch this video explaining how to use this feature of the app: Using Charms Blue
- Viewing Student/Public Calendar and Forms/Handouts.
- Public Calendar and viewing Forms/Handouts.
- A copy of the public calendar is inserted into this website under the menu heading “Calendar.” Here you can view the dates of major events such as concerts, competitions, and social events. Click on the event to get more details such as the time and location.
- You may also view the public calendar and forms/handouts by going to charmsoffice.com and login as a Parent/Student Helper. Enter the school code (CypressCreekOrchestra) and you will see the handouts and public calendar at the bottom of the page.
- An even quicker option is to click this link and you will be automatically directed to this page.
- Student Calendar. A more detailed version of the calendar is available under the student login. Here students can view Tri M meetings, sectionals, and other pertinent events/deadlines.
- Go to charmsoffice.com and login. Enter the school code (CypressCreekOrchestra) and your student’s password (student id number with no “s” at the beginning).
- Public Calendar and viewing Forms/Handouts.